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Wounded Pride Page 3
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Page 3
There was a thump out in the hallway, followed by a string of fluid, musical elvish cursing.
I reluctantly took my hands away from Hisashi and turned to look out the doorway. Oisin and Black were standing by a mess of books that were scattered across the floor.
"Watch where you are going. Why are you always sneaking about?" Oisin insisted, pushing back an escaped lock of hair as he crossed his arms and glared up at the flustered man.
"I'm sorry," Black muttered. "I was...distracted. I didn't see you."
Oisin narrowed his bright green eyes and flicked a glance toward Hisashi and I. "Distracted, hmm?"
Black hurriedly scooped up the spilled books and turned away. "I was just taking these to my room to look up the titles online. They might be worth some money. First editions."
I rubbed a hand over my face. "Just go use my office computer," I called to the harried man.
Oisin was still glaring after him suspiciously as black hurried away.
"Oisin, can't you just—"
A burst of cold air hit me, and goosebumps danced over my skin.
"Every fucking time!' Hisashi growled, his voice more fox than human.
I sat up and drew back. His eyes were silver, and his canines were elongated.
And his magic was building like a bomb about to go off, pulsing at my skin.
"Hey, Hisashi," I breathed, "wanna maybe...calm the fuck down?"
Those silver eyes locked on me and he growled. "There is always some distraction pulling you away."
I wanted to get up and leave. Now. Something was not right. But I stayed. Because he was clearly hurting, and I was stubborn that way. My gryphon self was clamoring away under my skin, sending me messages I just didn’t understand.
Oisin glided into the room on silent feet, never one to run from imminent death. Apparently, we were both dumbasses. "Fox?" he said gently. "Gesa's not going anywhere."
Those frosty silver eyes riveted on Oisin and a crystal candy dish my mother had insisted on gifting me went flying across the room without anyone touching it. It shattered against the wall near the doorway. Whelp, that took care of one bit of shit I didn't need in my life. Maybe the ghosts or whatever could just clean the whole house.
The shattering sound seemed to snap Hisashi out of it. Whatever the hell it was.
He stared with wide blue eyes rimmed in silver, flicking his gaze from Oisin to me. "What...?"
"Everything okay in here?" a husky alto called from the doorway.
I glanced over to see Kaimana leaning against the doorframe wearing a sinful sweater dress that hugged all her curves and a pair of knee-high boots. She had a coat slung over her arm and Evalyn stood behind her holding a purse and a scarf. Oisin's sister's purple eyes were wide with fear.
"Just fine," I called. "We're just having a good ol' glass smashing party. Everyone's doing it." I gestured grandly. "Grab a vase and come on in! I think that one on the shelf there is from my great aunt. She was obsessed with cats."
Both men stared at me like I'd lost my mind.
"Okay," Kai said, one corner of her mouth twitching with suppressed laughter. She picked her way through the glass shards and leaned over the couch, her long dark hair spilling about us in silken waves. "I'm taking Evalyn out shopping. Enjoy your...party." She planted a soft kiss on my lips and Hisashi growled.
We all looked at him and he immediately stopped and pretended to cough.
"If that isn't the sweetest thing," Kai commented, reaching out to ruffle the long side of Hisashi's asymmetrical white hair before I could warn her she might lose a limb.
He just sighed and avoided meeting her eyes.
"Good luck with that, pup," she said, her voice kind. Then she spun and headed out the door.
Evalyn spoke up as they turned to leave. "Oisin? You said I couldn't go out. It was too risky. But...."
Oisin waved a hand distractedly in her direction. "The kraken can handle any trouble, darling." He glanced at me. "I think it might be safer out there than in here at the present moment."
Evalyn paled but went along with Kai without a fuss.
"Con?" I asked softly.
"Went to the school for student meetings," Oisin whispered.
He moved around the couch to sit on Hisashi's other side. The fox looked wounded. Embarrassed at his loss of control. "I'm sorry."
Oisin combed his graceful fingers through Hisashi's white hair, trailing his fingertips over the blue tattoo on the shaved side of his head. The ward seemed to glow slightly under his touch. "It's just us now, love." I could sense Oisin pouring magic into Hisashi.
I took Hisashi's big hand in my own. "What's going on?"
Hisashi shuddered. Oisin spoke up first. "I think his powers are growing stronger. It must make it hard to block out the paranormal aspects."
The fox nodded. "I was hoping I was just imagining it but...yeah, I think so. And my fox...the animal is trying to compensate, I think. My...animal side. It's getting a little...pushy."
My eyes stung as I watched him struggle. He wanted to be strong in front of us, but he was hurting and scared. A nine-tail his age should already be bound to a shrine in a village somewhere to stabilize their powers—and make them the community slave.
"You need a shrine, don't you?" I whispered.
Hisashi's eyes shimmered with unshed tears. "No. I...I can get through this. It happens. I get stronger all the sudden and then I adjust. It just takes a while to get used to the new powers is all. It's fine."
I glanced at Oisin. The fae's perfect features smoothed out into that mask he wore to hide strong emotions. "I'm sure you're right, kit," he said. "You just need time."
The strength of the lie hit me in the chest like a dagger. Oisin didn't believe that. At all.
I cleared my throat. "What can we do, Hisashi?"
He closed his eyes and swallowed hard. "I don't know. Maybe just...can you guys stay with me for a while. Just until I'm grounded again?"
Oisin's emerald eyes met mine, full of pain. And love. "Of course, kit," he breathed, running a hand across Hisashi's cheek and the side of his neck, trailing magic. He glanced at the TV. "What awful thing were you watching?"
I snickered. "I don't think either one of us was actually watching the TV."
Hisashi snorted. "That's what set the fox off. I think...it considers Gesa my mate. And it's getting really pissed off we can't seal that bond a little more...officially." He was turning pink around the edges.
I felt myself blushing too, but I could never miss an opportunity to torment him. "He means we were about to fuck, but you and Black messed it up."
Hisashi closed his eyes, suppressing a laugh. "What she said."
Oisin chuckled. "Should I leave, then?"
Hisashi turned to him in shock. "Are you serious right now?"
A merry laugh was his only response.
"I thought so," Hisashi said with a sigh. "You know I want you both right here by my side."
Oisin leaned up and kissed him gently, a soft promise that made my heart ache. "We’re right here, darling."
"And it's not a burden," I added, knowing Hisashi would never admit he didn't want Oisin to think him weak.
Oisin arched a red brow. "What kind of idiot would think it was a burden?" He leveled a look at Hisashi, who just shrugged.
"A child," the fox muttered.
Oisin shook his head. "I forgot," he said, deadpan. "He did warn us he didn't understand our foreplay, didn't he?"
I rolled my eyes. "You're both idiots."
But they were my idiots. We made Hisashi pick a cheesy movie and stayed by his side, subtly maintaining contact until his aura calmed.
Every once in a while, Oisin's green eyes met mine and I knew he was thinking the same thing I was.
Hisashi was already immensely powerful. That same power that was trying to destroy his mind would also be a great big beacon to Oisin's crazy-ass dad, if he came poking around looking for Oisin. And on top of all that, it looked like
we were going to have to convince Hisashi to go back home or find another shrine to tie himself to for life—before he imploded.
What the fuck were we going to do?
Chapter 4
When we were done cuddling, Hisashi promised Oisin he would work on his meditation. It helped to center him, as long as he was in the right frame of mind to keep his mental shields up to prevent things from the other from joining him.
As we left the living room, Oisin wrapped an arm around my waist and slid in close to my side. "You know what I think we need?" he inquired with a smirk.
I rolled my eyes, preparing myself for the innuendo. "The Gods only know with you." If he suggested a strap-on again....
He chuckled, the sound smooth and merry like a burbling brook. But his green eyes were sharp and cutting. "We need a good hunt, beautiful beast. A chase. Maybe some bitch-slapping of petty criminals to lighten the mood."
I snorted. "Bitch-slapping?"
He lifted one shoulder in an elegant shrug, the graceful fingers at my waist dancing over me in a tickling motion. "Well...since you won't let me stab anything." He flicked a disappointed glance my way. "Really, you are no fun at all. It’s been ages since I got to stab anything."
I wrapped an arm around his shoulders as we headed toward my room, where Oisin would inevitably have to put on his ninja outfit. "I'm plenty of fun, fae," I growled. "You're the one who refuses to do anything because he doesn't want his shiny boots to get dirty."
He stepped out of my embrace, walking backward into the room as I followed. He lifted that upturned royal nose of his in the air and affected his most haughty princeling voice. "One cannot expect a peasant such as yourself to understand priorities."
I growled. "Get dressed. We can go look for something on the dumb animal case."
He grinned. "Do we really need to go out to look for dumb animals? I mean, there is a gryphon and a fox right here in this very apartment...."
I shoved him. "Fuck you, fae."
He laughed and turned to start getting ready. And I might give him hell for it, but I did enjoy the show. He looked like sin and danger, all wrapped in black and vibrating with the desire to go hunt something—even if it was just a stupid bounty and not something horrid like a fae wild hunt.
He stepped close and pulled me down to him for a quick kiss. "I really do enjoy my time with you, darling," whispered.
I was about to ask him if he was okay, since that was way too much honest sentiment for an ass like him. But he saved me by continuing. "It's so much fun watching you roll in the dirt with degenerates."
It was cold outside, with a couple inches of accumulation on the ground, and a biting wind. But it fit my pissy mood. I was afraid we were going to lose Hisashi, and no amount of Oisin's distractions were going to keep my mind off that for long.
I gritted my teeth together as a particularly sharp blast of wind tried to worm its way through my thick bomber jacket. My inner beast reminded me, constantly, that it was our duty to take care of our pride. It was killing me to see our funny, flippant, gorgeous, powerful young fox struggling. He hadn't told me very much about his family, but sending him back to them seemed like a really bad idea, with the whole binding him to one location for life and abusing his powers thing.
"My father forced me into the hunt when I was only thirteen years old." Oisin's silky voice cut through my internal chatter and I stumbled a bit before continuing down the sidewalk toward the edge of town.
I held back a growl. "He what?"
The wild hunt was thing of legends. An ancient fae practice that they—supposedly—stopped doing hundreds of years ago. It was part punishment, part sport. And if the stories were true, then it was sure as shit no place for an innocent fucking kid. They hunted people at those things. With vicious dogs that were rumored to be part hellhound.
Oisin didn't look at me, keeping his eyes on the forest that was just visible over the tops of distant houses. "It was for my own good, you see? Every father wants a strong son. Every kingdom wants a strong heir." He glanced at me and I saw the echo of the horror, damped down by hundreds of years of experience. "I was actually happy about it," he said with a wry twist to his lips. "I wanted so much to please him, even if I knew he was a monster. I...wanted to be wrong about that. I was so young when he killed my mother...maybe I had misunderstood. Maybe my mind played tricks on me, as he seemed to insinuate."
I didn't reach for Oisin the way I wanted to. It was really fucking rare for him to share like this and I wasn't about to stop him. Even if it meant my blood pressure and desire to murder were skyrocketing by the moment.
"I rode out wanting to please the old man and prove that I was worthy. I came back drenched in blood, my ears still ringing with the baying of the monstrous hounds and the screams of the fae I'd just killed at the urging of a group of jeering nobles."
He turned away. "I was broken inside that day. But my father was ecstatic. He saw only how strong I was. How my magic and quickness were assets he was going to grow and harvest. He pushed me into every leadership role he could in his sick court. I became his killing machine. His general. The cold, insane son he would level as a threat against the others to keep the court in line. All the while he was only waiting for a good time to use me in bigger, better ways."
I swallowed, not knowing what the fuck you said to something like that. "Why are you telling me this?" I managed to croak out.
Oisin gave me a sad look. "Your family is abhorrent, Gesa. But mostly because of ignorance...or in your mother's case, a lack of skill in manipulation."
I snorted.
"But there is still a sense of family there. Even when you hate them. Despite their betrayal, there will always be some sort of love. And there is good. You have your sister. Others in the community who you could trust if you chose to."
I finally gave in to impulse and grabbed his hand. He allowed it, giving me a sad smile. "It isn't that way for some other families, darling. And when the enemy is your blood, it makes it that much easier for them to use you and manipulate you, even when your eyes are wide open."
I squeezed his hand, realizing what he meant. "Hisashi?"
He nodded, gaze going distant again. "We know nothing of his clan, aside from their desire to keep him close, keep him tied down." He squeezed back. "You can't send him back there. You have no idea how they might treat him. How they might warp him over the years, even if they start out with good intentions. His power, his beauty and goodness. It will all just be a temptation to abuse him."
Something about the way he spoke gave me a really bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. "We will make sure that never happens," I told him. "I know you love him just as much as I do. We'll keep him safe together."
The fae nodded, dropping my hand as we neared the woods. "Of course, beautiful beast." He tilted his head toward the underbrush. "Smell anything?"
I frowned at him. Fae and their emotional whiplash. "I'm a gryphon, not a bloodhound," I reminded him. I did have an enhanced sense of smell compared to a human. But compared to a lot of other supes, it was mediocre at best.
The wind changed and I gagged. "Okay...that...that is hard to miss." It smelled like a meat processing plant with a dash of rotten garbage.
He grinned. "Let's see what our stinky new friend is up to, shall we?"
Chapter 5
I trudged toward the bookstore an hour later, pausing to brush snow off what was left of my jacket before I opened the door. Standing back, I let Oisin in, then turned and locked the door behind us, flipping the sign to 'closed.'
"Fucking chupacabra," I muttered, peeling the jacket off carefully in case any of the shredded fabric had gotten stuck in the healing gashes running down my forearm.
Oisin chuckled darkly. The claw marks on his face had healed. But he was still pissed about the thing going for his “best asset.”
Turns out mind control is a little trickier on supes that have no human ancestors.
I dropped my ruined bomber jacke
t into the wastebasket by the door and shook the melting snow out of my hair. "Next time Oswald sends me a dead animal case, I'm telling him to go fuck himself." Gods. Both times dead animals had been involved, a case that should have been ridiculously boring turned into a nightmare.
"And to think," Oisin said with a shudder. "That was only a juvenile. The adults are abhorrent."
He shucked his own wool jacket and hung it on the antique coat rack by the door. Pulling the hair tie out of the end of his mangled braid, he looked around the shop, eyes narrowed. "And what the fuck is that?"
He rubbed the back of his hand across his reddened eyes and I frowned. He was still having that intermittent allergic reaction to something in the bookstore. At first, I had teased him about being allergic to cleaning, since he was such a damned princess. But now that we'd more or less gotten things cleaned out, I could see he wasn't making it up.
Every once in a while, it got to me too, but not nearly as bad as Oisin.
"Speaking of juveniles," I said with sigh. "We should go check on Hisashi."
Oisin closed his eyes in a slow blink, then opened them again. "He'll keep until we get thawed."
I toed off my wet boots and padded across the store toward where Black was thumping about under the counter. "What are you doing now?"
His voice was muffled. "One moment, please, Miss Lionheart."
I rolled my eyes as he continued banging around. I couldn't see more than his shiny dress shoes when I peered over the counter. He had crawled almost completely inside the thing. Oisin came closer, rubbing his head.
Evalyn came down the stairs in a flurry of flower-printed silk and honeysuckle perfume. Her golden curls bounced as she made her way to us on silent feet. "How was the hunt?" she inquired, going to put a book back on the shelf. She had been rapidly reading her way through the entire store—reacquainting herself with old friends, she said. I swallowed down my irritation at the reminder that this had once been her building, before she went into hiding and Oisin "inherited" it.