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Wounded Pride Page 2
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Page 2
He just nodded his head. "I wouldn't dream of it."
His tone of voice as he looked around the dusty bookstore made it sound like an insult. Wouldn't want him to get his perfectly manicured hands dirty.
When we reached the office, I sat behind my desk, liking the feel of the heavy oak barrier between me and evil incarnate. "So," I said politely. "How have you been? Drug running going well? Killed any rival mafia lately?" How did one make small talk with a small-town crime lord anyway? I'm sure my mother would have it down pat. But I wasn't one for playing those games.
He pulled his sunglasses off and rolled his black eyes at me as he sank into the chair opposite the desk. He somehow made the antique wingback look more like a throne. I tried to imagine him as a vindictive king of yore. It fit more than I liked. But this king was more suited to hell than to any human kingdom.
"I really don't understand your obsession with the criminal underworld, Miss Lionheart," he said with mock concern. "Maybe you should see a therapist about that."
"Fuck you."
He grinned. "No thank you."
Con saved the asshole from being gutted by gryphon claws as he drifted in carrying a tray of coffee and muffins. He set the tray down and nervously glanced at White. "Hello, Sir. How are...things?"
White chuckled and took the coffee Con offered. "Hello Concord. Things are well. How are you faring? I haven't gotten any more emergency calls, so I take it your gryphon is behaving for the time being."
Con looked at the floor, clearly uncomfortable under that intense black gaze. "Thanks for your help before," he muttered.
Con had called White as a last resort when Oisin and I were both mortally wounded by hunters. It really had been the best decision. He saved our lives. But Con was never going to feel great about making a deal with the devil while I was unconscious.
White waved him away. "Think nothing of it, my dear boy. At least someone around here has a good head on his shoulders."
Con glanced at me and headed toward the door. "Let me know if you need anything else," he said as he high-tailed it.
I glared at White. "Stop scaring the innocent human," I demanded. "Go pick on someone your own size."
White tilted his head and studied me as if I was a confusing puzzle. A lock of silky black hair fell across his brow in a way that would be attractive—if he wasn't a murdering shark. "I don't understand you, Miss Lionheart. Are you really this obtuse? Or is it all an act?"
I growled. "I brought you here to get your secretary. Not discuss my IQ."
He shrugged and took another sip of his coffee. Grimacing he set it aside and eyed one of the orange muffins sitting on the tray. "As you wish. But I do genuinely like your...human. He's reasonable."
I rolled my eyes and started to stand. "I'll just go get Black and you two can be on your merry way."
He held up a hand, stopping me, and I plopped back into my seat. I should have known it wasn't going to be that easy. This was my life we were talking about.
"I'm not taking him back," White said, confirming my suspicions. "He betrayed me, and he has to learn his lesson. I had hoped to get through to him myself, but clearly my time with him was...ineffective. Perhaps he will learn something from you and your pride."
I held up a hand to stop that batshit right now. "No. No fucking way. This is not Gesa's Home for Supe Rehab Cases. Whatever the hell you're babbling about, forget it."
White picked up a muffin and sniffed it suspiciously.
I rolled my eyes and took a massive bite out of mine. He was an idiot. These things were heaven. So was the coffee. As usual. Laced with Con's warmth, and about a million extra calories.
White nibbled at his muffin then gave a slight grimace and set it down on the tray as if it was tainted. "I'm not taking him back."
I glared. It wasn't like I could make him. The guy radiated some sort of crawling, skin-tingling magic I didn't understand. My gryphon side could identify another predator when it saw one. And it was telling me this predator made me look like a trembling mouse by comparison.
"Whelp," I said, dusting off my hands. "This has been great. Glad you could waste my time. Why the fuck did you even come here in person if you were just going to be an asshole?"
He sighed. "Miss Lionheart, really. There are more important things you wanted to ask me." He glanced at his watch. It glinted, probably with diamond chips. The fucker. "I really do have things I need to attend to."
I stared at him for a minute, fuming. How did he always make me feel like he was some sort of twisted parent running around cleaning up my messes? It wasn't like I ever fucking asked him to interfere.
Then I slapped my hand to my forehead and groaned as I realized what he was getting at. "Godsdamnit."
He shook his head, a slight smile on his perfect face. "Do go on."
I sighed. "Can you make your mage fix Oisin's sister? He's dragging his damned feet, for some reason."
White grinned, like the cat who caught the canary. "Why of course, Miss Lionheart. It would be my pleasure to share my resources with you. For a price."
I let my head fall forward and thunk onto the desk, knowing exactly what was coming.
"For example," he said, his deep voice jovial. "You might offer to watch over my secretary while he finds his feet. He did betray me, and that betrayal cut deep. But he was a dear friend. I do care for his wellbeing, despite what you may think."
I muttered to myself about trickery, but I sat up and put my big girl panties on anyway. "Oh, fucking fine!"
White chuckled. "See, was that so hard, my darling gryphon?"
I glared. "I'm not your darling anything."
He laughed; a deep, full thing that made my stomach do funny things. I sort of felt woozy. "Oh, dear Miss Lionheart. When will you ever learn? Everything in this city...in this county is mine."
I gritted my teeth together to prevent the stream of cussing that wanted to spill out. If he would just make his hired mage fix Oisin's sister and take his secretary home, then both the perfect fae woman and the mopey squatter would be out of my house for good. I just wanted my damned space back.
"Whatever," I grumbled.
He stood, brushing his suit free of imaginary wrinkles and sliding his sunglasses back on to hide his weird eyes. "Good. Also, before I forget to mention it, I'm impressed at how well you are managing your clan from a distance. You and your sister will be good for their continued survival. I hear the two of you have already made some integral changes to the power structure."
I glared at him in silence. How the fuck did he know Gabbi and I had forced the council into accepting a few new members...including a human woman and a gay male gryphon.
He turned toward the door but paused to glance back at me. "Oh, by the way, if your hedge witch would ever like some training, I could assist. It's a shame to let such a talent go undeveloped."
I stared at him. "My what now?"
He smiled. "Your hedge witch. The one pretending to be human. The repulsion he infused into my coffee and snack was quite good." He shrugged. "Not nearly powerful enough to make me fuck off the way he wanted…. But still, quite good."
I watched him walk away in silence.
What the actual hell?
Chapter 3
After White left, I trudged up the spiral staircase to the apartment above the bookstore. My shoulders sagged as I released some of the leftover tension from arguing with White. And from what he had implied about Con. I let the tall ceilings and warmth of the living space sooth me as I made my way down the hall, drawing in the scents and feel of my pride.
As I passed the doorway to the kitchen, I overheard Oisin and his sister arguing in their silken fae voices. He glanced at me as I passed before turning back to her and throwing up his graceful hands. "It's not safe," he insisted. My ears perked at that, but he didn't sound truly concerned, so I kept walking.
Fuck that drama.
The fae woman was nice enough. And I was glad she and Oisin had each other
, when all the rest of his family was either dead or insane. But I kept feeling more and more territorial lately. I needed her out of my space.
I headed toward the living room, but before I got there, Black stepped out of his borrowed room, wearing a more casual version of his usual business attire. His one visible blue eye met mine and his mouth turned down. "He's gone?"
I ran a hand through my hair. "Yeah. Sorry. I did try."
He lifted a shoulder in an elegant shrug that reminded me of Oisin. What was he, that he had the grace and beauty of a fae? All my attempts at asking somehow ended in failure. And I still kinda wanted to lick him.
"I expected as much. But thank you for trying. I...." He sighed. "I know he wants me to make some sort of penance. But for the life of me, I can't think what to do. My behavior was stupid. But I don't understand why he feels so betrayed. Truly. It is...out of character for him, to say the least."
I gave a short laugh. Yeah. I bet an asshole like White wasn't prone to getting his panties in a twist over some trifling little thing like some human slaves.
"He wants you to stay here, for some damned reason," I told Black. "He said...you'd learn something? Who knows? He's a complete fucking tool."
Black laughed, lifting a gloved hand to cover his mouth. "And you told him that?"
I shrugged. "Not in so many words. But pretty much. Like I do every time I see the snobby fucker."
He shook his head, setting his caramel-colored hair rippling like a super model. "Now I see why he is so invested in you, Miss Lionheart."
At my curious look, he smiled. "I don't believe I've ever seen anyone tell him no before. Let alone treat him with such complete and utter contempt."
I rolled my eyes. "Then he's a masochist on top of everything else. Because I tell him to fuck off all the time and he just keeps coming back for more."
He shook his head and moved down the hall. "I just came up to change, since I was getting so dusty. I was going to go back to the bookstore and continue organizing your stock...if that is okay?"
I shrugged. "Go for it. I know absolutely zilch about books. Con’s been pretty busy with his university work lately, since it’s the end of the semester. But he insists there are some old books down there that might be valuable."
Black nodded. "I daresay, from what I've seen so far. There are a few boxes in the back room and hidden away under the counter. I have a feeling there might be something...valuable in them. And, it makes me feel better, knowing I am contributing in some small way."
I waved him away. "Have at it."
When I finally made it to the living room with its oversized sectional and massive TV, I found Hisashi hiding out there. He sat on the sectional with his legs crossed Indian-style, a jug of sake balanced on one knee while he aimed the remote at the TV, flipping through movie listings. His snow-white hair and skin made him look so ethereal. But the way he was snuggled up emphasized how young he really was.
"A little early to be hitting the sauce, isn't it?" I asked him, snatching his alcohol.
He frowned at me as I took my life in my own hands and took a chug of the extra-strong sacred sake.
It burned all the way down and cleared out my sinuses on the way. I wheezed. "Fuck."
He chuckled and reached up to smack me helpfully on the back. "It's an acquired taste. Keep at it."
I narrowed my eyes at him, but he seemed mostly sober. I sank down on the couch next to him. "You look tired," I said, glancing at the TV screen and back at the dark circles smudged under his light blue eyes.
He lifted one shoulder in a shrug. The afghan he had wrapped around him slipped off his shoulders to reveal a hoodie with some j-pop band on it and a pair of faded jeans. "Couldn't sleep well last night. Bad dreams."
I studied his face. Hisashi was a stunning combination of masculine and beautiful. His skin was bone white, and combined with his white hair, white lashes and brows, he should look delicate. But his strong, square jaw and broad shoulders gave him a hint of strength. I was coming to understand that his physical features mirrored his personality. I'd never met someone who was so terrifyingly powerful and imminently fragile at the same time. He was strong, but vulnerable. Young, but experienced beyond his years.
"And the...spirit stuff?" I asked awkwardly.
He nodded. "They won't shut the fuck up today." He waved a hand as if to gesture at something I couldn't see. The...veil...is encroaching on reality. The shit that belongs over there just won't stay the fuck home." He took the sake back from me and took a swig.
I studied him for a long time before I got up the guts to speak. "Would it help to talk to other kitsune? Maybe we could arrange a meeting with your parents. In secret, so the clan doesn't get all huffy."
He frowned and his ice-blue eyes clouded with pain. "I don't know. I mean...they're my parents, you know? And they didn't want me bound to the village where we lived, sure. But that doesn't mean they aren't...traditional."
I grinned at him. "What—they wouldn't be happy to find their baby boy living in a house with a bunch of sex-crazed degenerates and shacking up with a beast and a fairy?"
He grunted but didn't laugh like I had hoped. "They would tell me I needed to find a nice kitsune girl to settle down with, show some responsibility by choosing a location for a shrine, and stop dishonoring my ancestors by having unnatural relations with another man."
Oh. Well, fuck.
I sighed and took the bottle back. Then I put my arm around his broad shoulders and pulled him against my side. "Is there anything I can do to help?"
He heaved a sigh, resting the side of his head against mine. "Distract me? I can't do readings for the shop when I'm like this. That's why I was trying to watch TV and get smashed."
I laughed. "Why aren't you glued to Oisin?" Hisashi insisted that Oisin's magic helped calm his own powers. They were usually connected at the hip. Though I knew it was for more than just the magical reasons.
Hisashi let out a gusty sigh. "Him and his sister were bitching at each other. And I'm pretty sure it's annoying having an emotionally unstable child following you around all the time."
I pushed my head against his, head-butting him lightly. "Thought you weren't a child?"
He snorted. "Only to someone who's been around for a few hundred years."
I laughed. "Probably closer to a thousand."
Hisashi picked a cop show and tossed the remote aside in a huff.
I pulled back and stretched out, leaning my back against the pillowed arm of the couch to study the sulking fox. He really was young. I couldn't fault him for having a meltdown every once in a while. Especially with the freaky shit he was going through without anyone to guide him.
"I think that's about enough of the pity party," I told him, not letting my sympathy show. While I completely understood his need to mope, I wasn't going to let him self-destruct. "You're way too awesome and amazing to be pouting right now."
He glared at me with glowing silver-blue eyes. Then he laughed and scrubbed a hand over his face, rasping over nearly invisible white stubble. "Right. Sorry. Maybe drinking alone wasn't my best idea."
I reached out my hands and beckoned him closer. He grinned and lay down with me, sliding between me and the back of the couch and wrapping his arms around me. I rolled onto my side and watched the cops try to solve some gory murder. No way would I ever want that job. Dealing with minor supe shit like animal carcasses was enough of a challenge for me.
Hisashi nuzzled into my hair and planted a soft kiss on my shoulder. "It does help," he whispered. "Being close to you."
I patted his hand, where it lay on my stomach. "Believe me, it's no hardship. We can snuggle anytime you want, fox."
He laughed, fitting me closer and nipping at my neck. "You know what might be even more...helpful...?"
His hand dipped under the hem of my t-shirt and stroked my stomach.
I shivered at the brush of his touch and his cool, misty magic. Grasping his hand, I brought it up to my chest and
planted it on my breast, squeezing. "Well...if you think it might help," I said in a fake resigned voice.
He laughed and caressed my breast, teasing my nipple to a hard peak as he pressed against me from behind. Gods, he had an impressive bulge pressing against my ass. And it was about time I got to finally see, and feel, and taste all of him.
I rolled, shuffling so I faced him. His lips on mine were like a promise—a gentle touch that whispered of the terrifying strength he held in check.
I shuddered. Fuck that was hot.
I might have problems with pretty, dangerous lovers.
He threaded a hand through my hair and held me in place as he explored my mouth. I reached between us and slipped a hand downward, over the massive bulge in his pants.
Hisashi pulled back and looked into my eyes, a bit of a frown drawing the corner of his mouth down. "Uh...I have to warn you about something before we go any farther."
I pulled my hand back. Great. What now?
"Okay," I said as calmly as possible. I wanted my fox naked now. Right now.
He chuckled and pushed a hunk of my hair behind my ear. "Chill out, Gesa. You look like someone took your cookie."
I sighed. "You need sake. I need some fucking cock. It's been an irritating day."
He shook against me as he chuckled. "Gods I love you, Gesa. You're just so...fucking perfect."
I rolled my eyes. "Can we get naked now?"
He sat up, pulling me with him, and took my hands in his. "So...I’m a nine-tail."
I rolled my eyes. "I know."
"And there's this genetic thing...."
That made me pause. A genetic thing? Like...some sort of deformity or something? I glanced at his crotch. "Uh...are you okay?"
He shook his head. "Sorry. I'm bad at this. I just...might not be what you expect?"
I took a deep breath and squeezed his hands. "Hisashi. I don't care. Really. I promise not to scream and run if you have an ugly dick or something. But if you don't want—"
He cut me off. "Oh, I want."
"Good, so?"
Gods, so fucking awkward.
He cleared his throat and brought my hand to his fly again. "Okay."