Not Quite Whole Read online

Page 6

  I rolled my eyes and stood. “Yeah. Not having thumbs must blow.”

  I went to the bookcase he’d destroyed and started pointing at books until he trilled at me when I hovered over a certain one. Taking it down, I held it out to him. He tilted his head at me, his flame blue eyes much dimmer today, but still fully capable of communicating that he’d like to set me on fire. “Fine,” I said on a loud exhale.

  He liked to read when he was stuck as a bird. But that meant he needed someone to turn pages for him or read out loud. I shuffled over to the couch in the corner of the office and plopped down. “This wasn’t in the job description,” I complained. “I think I need a raise.”

  He hopped up on the couch next to me and settled in, ruffling his feathers and sending up sparks that singed the furniture. I shook my head. “You’re ridiculous.” Just yesterday, I’d fallen asleep on the couch. Fin had found me an hour later, the big chicken here sprawled on top of me like a lap dog. The leprechaun was still cracking jokes about how maybe he should buy the terrible, scary sabertoothed tiger a teacup poodle so we could have snuggle time.

  The bird nudged me with his head and I opened the book. “I’m going, I’m going,” I muttered.

  It wasn’t long before I found myself reading some stupid shit about stoic philosophy while I absently stroked the soft feathers of Theo’s head crest. I really questioned the life choices that had brought me here.

  About half an hour into the torture, I felt a ripple of magic and a flare of heat. I glanced at the bird and it...melted...the red, yellow, and gold colors of the phoenix melding and swirling, becoming muted flesh tones as he morphed back into a person.

  I tossed the book onto the coffee table. “Thank fuck.”

  Theo shuddered, his blue eyes opening slowly. I grabbed the fluffy bathrobe that hung over the back of the couch and wrapped it around his naked, human-shaped shoulders. Apparently, clothes burned up when he shifted, so there were robes stashed all through the mansion for whenever he managed to shift back. Theo shivered as he stuffed his arms in the sleeves and pulled the robe closed over his lean body. “It’s always so damned cold when I’m human again.”

  I turned toward him and started rubbing up and down the outside of his arms roughly, trying to warm him with friction. “I suppose it’s to be expected,” I said gruffly. “You have spent the last few days setting shit on fire constantly.”

  He chuckled and ran a hand through his tangled hair. He still didn’t look entirely human, and I studied the feathers interspersed throughout his chestnut curls. “Are you still going to wear the charms after all this?”

  He dropped his hand and arched a brow at me. “I don’t know. It might help people accept me. But...I’m sick and tired of hiding constantly.” He tugged at a long, curly red feather just above his ear. “I do tend to molt, though. Jules is constantly vacuuming my suite. And Angel finds feathers in the bed....”

  He cleared his throat, as if he suddenly realized what he was saying and wished he could just erase the last few minutes.

  I laughed. “You really are a bird-brain.”

  He sighed and looked down at his hands, squaring his shoulders and clearly trying to fit back into his sovereign-shaped role. “Thank you for handling the call with the new alpha,” he said evenly. “And everything else you’ve taken care of these past few days. I know the office work isn’t your favorite way to pass the time.”

  I sighed. “We haven’t found him yet,” I said flatly, well aware what Theo’s first concern would be. “I’m not sure what you heard during the meetings—or what you understood the first couple of days—but we’re still working on it. Emerson and Angel are working with the security team to make some contraption that can track him when he uses magic to hide.”

  I waved a hand, not really understanding the specifics. I just knew that Emerson loved to combine tech and magic to make useful gadgets. And now he had a helper who was just brimming with magic. Gods help us all.

  Theo let out a long sigh. “I’m aware.”

  My chest ached as I took in his tense shoulders and the grim line of his mouth. “You’re scared,” I said softly. I didn’t want to even think about what it meant right now...but I swear I could almost feel what he was feeling. I knew Theo well enough to know that most of the time, the calm, in control act was just that—an act.

  Theo closed his eyes. “I saw some of it. bad is it, Sam? Really?”

  I took one of his hands in mine and squeezed. “About what we expected, but less murderous.”

  People were pissed. There had been some rioting downtown. A few nasty fights between curs and humans. Some witch hunting attempts aimed at suspected fiends that the police department had put down pretty quick.

  But there was also the other side.

  “A group of fiends came out on the radio yesterday,” I told Theo, still clutching his hand as it grew warmer in mine. “They talked about how not all fiends are mindless monsters, and all the ways they’ve been quietly contributing to society the last however many years, and how you being a fiend finally gives them hope for the future.” I shrugged. “There’s even a group of human rights people who changed the name of their whole organization to ‘people’s rights.’”

  Things were going to change. No one had attempted to storm the mansion and assassinate Theo yet. Which was shocking, really. I expected that shit to go down on day one.

  “Thank you, Sam,” he said, releasing my hand and sitting taller, all smooth politician. “I’ll see to the reports as soon as I get dressed. But you really don’t need to sugar coat things. I’m fine.” He went to stand up, but I yanked him back down.

  “Bullshit,” I snapped. “You’re not fine. You’re tired and you’re scared. And you can give yourself a fucking minute before you dive right back into the whole mess.”

  A sort of possessive rage rolled over me. Theo was always giving. Always doing, and pushing, and running himself fucking ragged to make his dreams a reality—to make life better for everyone, even when the little shits didn’t appreciate anything he was doing for them. He was literally putting his damned life on the line now, and he wouldn’t even give himself a few minutes to settle back into his new body before he went running off into the fray again. I’d had enough.

  “Nothing is worth killing yourself over, Sovereign,” I said firmly. “Sit the fuck still and let me go get you food or something. Tell me what you need.”

  Surprised blue eyes met mine and he sucked in a slow breath. “Stop it, Sam. It almost sounds like you care.”

  That absolute asshole.

  I growled and surged forward, pressing Theo back into the couch as I climbed on his lap so I could kiss the fuck out of the idiot. His skin against mine was overheated, too hot to be human. His chiseled lips opened in surprise and I deepened the kiss, growling again, letting him feel every bit of my frustration. And my fear. I was scared for him too, damn it.

  Searing hot hands came to rest on my hips, the touch gentle. I pulled back to stare into his eyes, surprised to see a little spark of magic there, when he should be in his weakest state.

  “That,” he said, his voice gone husky.

  I blinked at him in confusion.

  “You said to tell you what I need. I need that, Sam. This. You.” He closed his eyes and swallowed. “I know how you feel about bonding to anyone. I try so hard to give you your space. But...fuck, Sam. I need you right now. I’m sorry. I know we can’t ever be true mates, but—”

  I shut him up with another kiss, my hands slipping inside his robe and pushing it open over his smooth chest. I didn’t want to hear him tell me how we could never fully bond. How he didn’t want me as a mate, but he’d fuck me for fun or to relieve some of his current fear and frustration. It didn’t matter. I’d take whatever he gave me. I suddenly, stupidly, just needed him close.

  My palms glided over his superheated flesh and I curled my fingers inward, raking my nails lightly over his defined abs. How the fuck had I ever thought this
man was boring or average? He was beautiful. I pulled back, nipping at his jaw as I buried my fingers in his thick hair, stroking and petting the way I’d wanted to from the minute I saw the damned feathers.

  Theo chuckled at my petting him, sliding his hands up the taut leather that covered my thighs and slipping his fingers under the hem of my t-shirt, his touch teasing and questioning. He was probably just waiting to get his head bitten off. He knew me well.

  “It’s okay,” I breathed, grabbing the bottom of my shirt and yanking it off over my head. No sports bra today, so Theo got an eyeful. Then a handful. He cupped my tits and gave me this hot, adoring look that I could really get used to. I could still remember all the times I’d been scared to show someone my body—to show them all of me, who I really was under all the layers I put on as armor. I didn’t feel the need to hide all my soft parts from Theo. Sure, I was nervous about his reaction. But...Theo knew what a gift it was, that I was sharing myself with him this way. The same way he’d shared himself with me—the real Theo, in little glimpses—ever since I’d first met him.

  I arched my back and leaned into his touch as he wrapped an arm around my back, pulling me closer so he could suckle at one breast, his overheated tongue swirling around my nipple and driving me wild. I rocked my hips, grinding my dick against his through our clothes, hoping he realized I wasn’t as girly everywhere....

  An amused chuckle had me jerking upright, hissing as my claws came out in reflex, digging into Theo’s shoulder so hard he grunted. Angel shook his head at us as he came into the office. “You know, you should really lock the door if you’re going to fuck in the middle of the sovereign’s office in broad daylight.” He closed the heavy wood panel and turned the lock. “Someone could just walk right in.”

  His eyes shimmered like liquid gold as he slowly paced across the office, pausing to drop a folder onto the desk. He arched one silver eyebrow at me as I stared at him, my heart thundering in my chest like a frightened rabbit all of the sudden.

  I felt like prey. And there were two predators in the room now—a magic user and a full fiend, both technically stronger than I was. Both of them with way more control over my heart and soul than I wanted to admit.

  Theo smoothed his big, warm hands over my back. “I’m sorry, Sam. I didn’t mean—”

  I growled at him. If he said he was sorry for wanting me one more damned time....

  Angel crossed to stand behind the couch, burying a graceful hand in Theo’s soft hair and pulling the sovereign’s head backward so he could plant an upside-down kiss on Theo’s lips. “No,” Angel said, when he finally released his...whatever Theo was to him. Boyfriend sounded wrong. That word just wasn’t big enough for them. It didn’t describe the way some sort of intangible energy seemed to spark in the air around them when they touched. A pulse of desire shot through me and I bit my lip. Gods they were hot together.

  Fuck, what was I doing?

  Angel moved around the couch and perched his butt on the coffee table, slipping his long arms around my waist, his knees on either side of Theo’s. “Can I play too?” he purred.

  I groaned and leaned back into his embrace. “Please.”

  I expected more teasing, more snarking and witty banter. But it didn’t happen. Something was different now from every other encounter I’d had with Angel when others were present. The air felt heavier, charged. His hands slid over my stomach and up to my breasts with a slow, almost reverent touch. Angel’s soft lips caressed my shoulder and dropped butterfly kisses up the side of my neck. Theo lifted a hand to tuck a chunk of my hair behind my ear, his gaze tender as he watched me and Angel both. His fingers caressed my cheek and jaw, as if he’d been dying to touch me like that all along.

  I turned my head and pressed a kiss into Theo’s palm, then stood, letting Angel peel me out of my leather pants. I felt Theo’s hungry eyes on me and took a deep breath, bracing myself before I met his gaze, afraid of what I’d find there.

  But all I saw in those glowing blue eyes was want. He saw all of me, and he still burned with that hint of banked possessiveness. His hands reached for my hips and I staggered forward while Angel worked on shedding his own clothes.

  Theo planted soft, lingering, open-mouthed kisses to my hip and belly, his warm breath tickling me and making me squirm. Then he leaned in and kissed the tip of my cock, making it twitch and my core clench. He looked up at me from beneath thick brown lashes, his eyes still sparking with magic that should be spent. “You’re so beautiful, my lovely hunter.”

  I snorted and rolled my eyes. “Stop.”

  He huffed a laugh and raised an eyebrow. “You don’t want me to?” He glanced at my dick meaningfully.

  Angel slipped in behind me again, pressing his long, lean body to mine. “Sam has a hard time with compliments,” he breathed against my shoulder, turning his head to nip at my skin. “Which is why they need to hear them every chance we get.” He cupped my breasts as he kissed along my neck. “You’re beautiful, Sam. Handsome. Perfect.” He bit down harder, and I let out a little gasp of surprise. “Ours.”

  Theo smiled up at me, slow and wicked. Then he pulled my dick into that molten mouth of his and started sucking. I yelped at the sensation—it was almost too hot against my sensitive skin. Angel held me still when my knees wanted to buckle. “Intense, right?” he whispered in my ear. Which of course, just put a picture in my mind of Theo sucking Angel’s cock.

  I tangled my hands in Theo’s soft hair and leaned my head back against Angel’s shoulder. Fuuuuck. I was in so much trouble.

  Angel pressed his long, hard cock along my ass, teasing. Then he pulled back, angling himself so he could slip into my wet core while Theo continued to suck my dick. I moaned at the long, hot glide of Angel inside of me, even as Theo swirled his tongue around me just right, one of his hands coming up to gently fondle my sack.

  I came hard and fast, Angel murmuring encouragement and stupid compliments in my ear the whole time, his silky voice breathless and full of magic. I was shocked with the speed and intensity of the orgasm, and it left me reeling. Theo swallowed, pulling off my cock and leaning back on the couch to look up at me like a king on his throne, all decadent lust and power, his thick cock rising up like a challenge. “Gods, you’re amazing, cur.”

  I growled at him and Angel slipped away, propelling me toward Theo with a little push, his silky voice still breathless. “Go.”

  I went to Theo on wobbly legs, crawling into his lap with much less grace than usual. He didn’t seem to care. He shrugged out of his robe fully and pulled me in close, groaning as I sank down on his heavy, flushed cock. “Holy fuck,” I muttered, clenching around his surprising girth.

  Angel chuckled at us, coming to kneel on the couch beside us. “You’re both so beautiful.” His hand trailed over Theo’s hair before he pulled him into a messy kiss. Then he released the phoenix to turn to me, leaning in to nibble at my breast. I yelped at the sudden sting when he bit down a little too hard, marking my skin with his sharp teeth the way he loved to do. My inner cat rumbled in approval at the primal show of possession. I pushed the siren back enough to get my hand around his straining cock so I could stroke him off while I rode Theo.

  The phoenix was like a living flame without all his charms and disguise. Even the cock inside me was burning up, the sensation foreign and ridiculously fucking arousing. I met Theo’s blue eyes, not shying away from the depth of the emotion I saw mirrored back there as another orgasm built inside me, rising up and sweeping over me like an uncontrolled wildfire.

  I called out his name as I came, feeling him pouring liquid heat inside me when he joined me. Then Theo’s warm hand joined mine as we brought Angel over the edge with us, drinking in the siren’s surprised, sobbing gasps at the force of sex, magic, and emotion swirling in the room.

  Chapter 7

  Theo handed the palm-sized gadget back to the towering ogre with a smile, trying his best to convey his genuine appreciation. “Thank you, Emerson. I know you’re nervou
s about how it will perform, but you made it. And I’ve seen enough of your talents to know it will work perfectly.”

  The massive man blushed and ran a hand through the back of his hair, rubbing his neck in embarrassment. No matter what Theo did, Emerson still seemed to be intimidated by his title. It was frustrating. All Theo wanted was for the people Sam loved to be comfortable here. He wanted to take good care of Sam’s treasures.

  “I’m going to start tracking with it this afternoon,” Emerson said in his deep, rumbling voice. His red-brown eyes were serious and intent as he gazed down at Theo. “I promise we’ll find him.” Apparently, Theo wasn’t the only one who was intent on protecting things that Sam held dear. It warmed Theo’s heart. Too bad the ogre was mistaken.

  Sam didn’t care for Theo. The hunter was a practical beast by nature. Sam had pitied Theo in his moment of fear. And Sam had to be aware that Angel wanted them all to be together. When it came right down to it, Sam would do anything for Angel, even things Sam didn’t want. That, Theo had seen in action.

  Emerson nodded and turned to leave, giving Angel and Sam a wave on his way out. Theo glanced at the pair, feeling awkward and unsure. It was a feeling he wasn’t used to. Sure, he never felt as confident as he liked to pretend—he was usually plagued with doubts about his ability to maintain his position and carry out his plans when he was clearly a broken fiend. But this was something else altogether.

  Sam would barely look at him ever since they’d made love. He’d taken advantage of the hunter in the worst possible way, guilted them into sex with an over-attached fiend who was in a position of power. It was sickening.

  He tugged his suit jacket straight and smoothed his bright red tie as he took a seat behind his desk. Clearing his throat, he focused on his computer screen. “You said you were going out this afternoon?” he commented, resuming the conversation that had been interrupted when Emerson came to show Theo his completed tracking device.